Art Post

Yard Sale

I bought this jumpsuit at a yard sale when I was about 14. I barely fit into it. I was also not allowed to wear it out of the house for fairly obvious reasons.

Steampunk Monkeys

Fan art based on w00tstock and JoCo Cruise Crazy. It features steampunk monkey robots Paul and Storm, hot-rod-bot John Roderick, Jonathan Coulton, Wil Wheaton, Molly Lewis, Marian Call, Smilin’ Mike Phirman (and a literal :D ), Adam Savage, and references to MST3K and Elton John.


A pattern I’m working on for fabric. I’m not sure there’s enough of a margin for seams, so I’ll have to see what the sample looks like. If it works, I’m thinking of making another pattern that’d have clothes for them.

Steampunk Bio 2

And this is an updated self portrait for my Steamcon III bio. Look for it in the printed guide they’ll be handing out at the con!
