Peanut Butter

I had that conversation with the very fun Josh A. Cagan (Who has a very fun podcast!), and then I…

Spectral Peanut Butter

Next we have the product of my friend Alice and I joking around on Twitter about John Hodgman, and his potential to take over for Wilford Brimley as a spokesman…


Some time later I noticed Hodgman responding to someone on twitter about being drawn in Edward Gorey style, so I…

John Hodgman


And further, Alice sent me a ticket to see a show – the first time I will ever get to see Hodgman live! I got really excites, and ended up…

Variety Show

SO, there you have it! That is mostly what I’ve been up to. It isn’t much, I’ve been sort of penniless, running out of supplies, and having medical issues and mobility drama, so productivity sort of tanked for a while. It happens, I guess.
